Hawaiian massage Lomi Lomi


60min or 90min

Non-erotic and non-therapeutic touch massage session.

Massage details

It is a powerful and enveloping massage, fluid and rhythmic. Influenced by martial arts and dance, Lomi Lomi stands out because it is practiced with the forearms, elbows and hands.

Composed of large, rhythmic movements and stretching, this massage can be gentle at times and powerful at others. A unique technique that makes this massage not insignificant: it requires a lot of attention from the person being massaged.

The Lomi Lomi is for all those who are looking for muscle relaxation and loosening.

The benefits of Hawaiian massage Lomi Lomi

  • Relieves muscle tension
  • Helps to eliminate toxins accumulated in the body
  • Restores physical and mental harmony
  • Improve blood and lymph circulation
  • Increases vital energy
  • Body Awareness
  • Balance between tension and relaxation
  • Nourishes the entire body and reduces the effects of aging

Who can benefit from Hawaiian massage Lomi Lomi ?

The Lomi Lomi is for all those who are looking for muscle relaxation and loosening. It is not recommended for extremely sensitive people. The contraindications for this massage are the same as for any massage, pregnant women before 3 months, sciatica, people treated by radiotherapy, psoriasis, eczema, fever, phlebitis, hemophilia.

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